Statistics, Problem Solving, and Decision Making for Accountants (N ACC-2022 Class)
Course data
Sesi 1: Pengantar statistik (Introduction to statistics)
Sesi 1: Pengantar statistik (Introduction to statistics) - Latihan
Sesi 1: Pengantar statistik (Introduction to statistics) - Tugas (PR)
Sesi 1: Pengantar statistik (Introduction to statistics) - PPT
Sesi 2: Dasar-dasar probabilitas
Sesi 2: Dasar-dasar probabilitas - Latihan
Sesi 2: Dasar-dasar probabilitas - Tugas (PR)
Sesi 2: Dasar-dasar probabilitas - PPT
Sesi 3: Pengantar probabilitas_Aturan Penghitungan
Sesi 3: Pengantar probabilitas_Aturan Penghitungan - Latihan
Sesi 3: Pengantar probabilitas_Aturan Penghitungan - Tugas (PR)
Sesi 3: Pengantar probabilitas_Aturan Penghitungan - PPT
Sesi 4: Statistik Deskriptif 1
Sesi 4: Statistik Deskriptif 1 - Latihan
Sesi 4: Statistik Deskriptif 1 - Tugas (PR)
Sesi 4: Statistik Deskriptif 1 - PPT
Sesi 4: Statistik Deskriptif 1 - Excel
Sesi 5: Statistik deskriptif & statistik inferensial
Sesi 5: Statistik deskriptif & statistik inferensial - Latihan
Sesi 5: Statistik deskriptif & statistik inferensial - Tugas (PR)
Sesi 5: Statistik deskriptif & statistik inferensial - PPT
Sesi 6: Statistika deskriptif 3: Tendensi Sentral, Variasi, dan Bentuk (shape)
Sesi 6: Statistika deskriptif 3: Tendensi Sentral, Variasi, dan Bentuk (shape) - Latihan
Sesi 6: Statistika deskriptif 3: Tendensi Sentral, Variasi, dan Bentuk (shape) - Tugas (PR)
Sesi 6: Statistika deskriptif 3: Tendensi Sentral, Variasi, dan Bentuk (shape) - PPT
Sesi 6: Statistika deskriptif 3: Tendensi Sentral, Variasi, dan Bentuk (shape) - Excel
Sesi 7: QUIZ 1, Review/ Quiz/ Project
Sesi 7: QUIZ 1, Review/ Quiz/ Project
Sesi 8: Ujian tengah semester (UTS)
Sesi 8: Ujian tengah semester (UTS) 1
Sesi 8: UTS - Jawaban ujian Ms Word dan Excel
Ses 8: UTS - simpan jawaban (record your answer)
Sesi 9: Statistik Inferensial 1: Teori pengambilan sampel
Sesi 9: Statistik Inferensial 1: Teori pengambilan sampel - Tugas (PR)
Sesi 9: Statistik Inferensial 1: Teori pengambilan sampel - PPT
Sesi 10: Statistik Inferensial 2: Pengujian Hipotesa
Sesi 10: Statistik Inferensial 2: Pengujian Hipotesa - Tugas (PR)
Sesi 10: Statistik Inferensial 2: Pengujian Hipotesa - PPT
Sesi 10: Statistik Inferensial 2: Pengujian Hipotesa - DATA & MODULE
Sesi 11: Statistik inferensial 3: regresi 2
Sesi 11: Statistik inferensial 3: regresi 2 - Tugas (PR)
Sesi 11: Statistik inferensial 3: regresi 2 - PPT
Sesi 11: Statistik inferensial 3: regresi 2: data dan do_file
Sesi 12: Statistik inferensial 4: regresi 3
Sesi 12: Statistik inferensial 4: regresi 3
Sesi 12: Statistik inferensial 4: regresi 3 - PPT
Sesi 12: Statistik inferensial 4: regresi 3 - Data Panel
Sesi 13: Pengantar teori keputusan & Regresi
Sesi 13: Pengantar teori keputusan - Tugas (PR)
Sesi 13: Pengantar teori keputusan - PPT
Sesi 13: Regresi_SEM - Data
Sesi 14: Reviu dan penerapan metode regresi
Sesi 14: Reviu dan penerapan metode regresi - Tugas
Section 15
Sesi 15
Sesi 16: Ujian AKhir Semester (UAS)
Sesi 16: Ujian AKhir Semester (UAS)
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45914_Statistics, Problem Solving, and Decision Making for Accountants
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Night (20221)
Accounting (20221/N)
45914_Statistics, Problem Solving, and Decision Making for Accountants
Statistics, Problem Solving, and Decision Making for Accountants (N ACC-2022 Class)
Andrianantenaina Hajanirina
Skill Level