Principles of Accounting and Career Preparation (M ACC-2021 Class 2)
Course data
Meeting – 1 Accounting world, career path
Meeting – 1 Accounting world, career path - Exercise
Meeting – 1 Accounting world, career path
Meeting - 2: Introduction to accounting – basic accounting equation
Meeting - 2: Introduction to accounting – basic accounting equation - Exercise
Meeting - 2: Introduction to accounting – basic accounting equation - Assignments
Meeting - 2: Introduction to accounting – basic accounting equation - PPT
Meeting - 3 Recording process – Analysis Business Transaction
Meeting - 3 Recording process – Analysis Business Transaction - Exercise
Meeting - 3 Recording process – Analysis Business Transaction - Assignments
Meeting - 3 Recording process – Analysis Business Transaction - PPT
Meeting - 3 Recording process – Analysis Business Transaction - Excel file
Meeting - 4 Recording process – Analysis Business Transaction
Meeting - 4 Recording process – Analysis Business Transaction - Exercise
M - 4 Recording process – Analysis Business Transaction - Assignments
Meeting - 4 Recording process – Analysis Business Transaction - PPT
Meeting - 5 Recording process – Adjustment Process
Meeting - 5 Recording process – Adjustment Process - Exercise
Meeting - 5 Recording process – Adjustment Process - Assignments
Meeting - 5 Recording process – Adjustment Process - PPT
Meeting - 5 Recording process – Adjustment Process
Meeting - 6 Recording process – Adjustment Process 2
Meeting - 6 Recording process – Adjustment Process 2 - Exercise
Meeting - 6 Recording process – Adjustment Process 2 - Assignment
Meeting - 6 Recording process – Adjustment Process - PPT
Meeting - 7 Completing the accounting cycle 1
Meeting - 7 Completing the accounting cycle 1 - Exercise
Meeting - 7 Completing the accounting cycle 1 - Assignments
Meeting - 7 Completing the accounting cycle 1
Meeting - 7 Completing the accounting cycle 1 - Excel file
Meeting - 8 Completing the accounting cycle 2
Meeting - 8 Completing the accounting cycle 2 - Exercise
Meeting - 8 Completing the accounting cycle 2 - Assignments
Meeting - 8 Completing the accounting cycle 2
Meeting 9: EXAM
Meeting 9 - Exam
Meeting 10: Accounting for Merchandising Company
Meeting 10: Accounting for Merchandising Company - Exercise
Meeting 10: Accounting for Merchandising Company - Assignments
Meeting 10: Accounting for Merchandising Company - PPT
Session 6: Accounting for Merchandising Company & The Accounting Systems
Session 6: Accounting for Merchandising Company & The Accounting Systems - PPT
6: Accounting for Merchandising Company & The Accounting Systems - Excel file
Session 7: The Accounting System & Accounting for Partnership
Session 7: The Accounting System & Accounting for Partnership - In Class
Session 7: The Accounting System & Accounting for Partnership - PPT
Session 8: Accounting for Partnership & MID TERM EXAM
Session 9: Accounting for Corporation: organization, stock transactions and dividend
Session 9: Accounting for Corporation: organization, stock transactions and dividend - Exercise
Session 9: Accounting for Corporation: organization, stock transactions and dividend - Assignments
Session 9: Accounting for Corporation: organization, stock transactions and dividend - PPT
Session 10: Accounting for Corporation & Introduction to Accounting for Manufacturing
Session 10: Accounting for Corporation & Introduction to Accounting for Manufacturing
Session 10: Accounting for Corporation & Introduction to Accounting for Manufacturing - costing -Exercise 2
Session 10: Accounting for Corporation & Introduction to Accounting for Manufacturing - PPT
Session 10: Accounting for Corporation & Introduction to Accounting for Manufacturing - Assignments
Session 11: Cash and Review
Session 11: Cash - Exercises
Session 11: Cash - Assignments
Session 11: Review in class
Session 11: Review in class Assignment - CHOOSE YOUR ANSWER HERE
Session 11: Cash - PPT
Session 12: Accounts Receivable & Review
Session 12: Accounts Receivable & Review - Exercise
Session 12: Accounts Receivable & CASH Review - IN CLASS
Session 12: Accounts Receivable & Review - Homework
Session 12: Accounts Receivable - PPT
Session 13: Fixed Asset and Intangible assets & Exam 2
Session 13: Fixed Asset and Intangible assets - Exercise
Session 13: Fixed Asset and Intangible assets - Assignments
Session 13: Exam 2
Session 13: Exam 2 - Exercise 1 - Choose your answer here
Session 13: Fixed Asset and Intangible assets - PPT
Session 14: Current Liability, Payroll & Long-term Liability
Session 14: Current Liability, Payroll & Long-term Liability - Exercise
Session 14: Current Liability, Payroll & Long-term Liability - Assignments
Session 14: Current Liability, Payroll & Long-term Liability - PPT
Session 15: Investment & Cash Flow Statement
Session 15: Investment & Cash Flow Statement - Assignments
Session 15: Investment & Cash Flow Statement - PPT
Session 16: Financial Statement Analysis & Final Exam (UAS)
Session 16: Financial Statement Analysis - PPT
Session 16: Final Exam (UAS)
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43473_Principles of Accounting and Career Preparation
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Morning (20211)
Accounting (20211/M)
43473_Principles of Accounting and Career Preparation
Principles of Accounting and Career Preparation (M ACC-2021 Class 2)
Laetare Godlief Tamelan
Andrianantenaina Hajanirina
Skill Level